29 Nov, 22

More About The Pain Cave

I wrote about the Pain Cave previously and gave you some tips for making the most of that little black place that emerges in your psyche when the going gets tough.

Let’s now turn our attention to the first thing that we encounter when taking the trip to the infamous Pain Cave, the conditions that we train or race in.

Many athletes go to extreme lengths to ensure that they are VERY comfortable when training. They don’t like to train in water that is above 80 F (or 27 C). They ride in the early morning hours of the summer. Run on the treadmill when it is too hot outside and so on and so forth.


It is time to face facts about triathlon and race-day conditions. You are very likely to have to race on a hot day, in water that isn’t wetsuit legal and without air conditioning on the run.

Unpleasant conditions are part of the triathlon game. We roll the dice and sometimes we crap out.

Sure, you may get a wetsuit-legal swim, a cool day on the bike and have it carry on for the run – but do you want to bet on it?

Training in conditions that you choose and like does not prepare you for the truth of race day. Conditions can be brutally unpleasant.

If you choose not to train in warmer water and hotter weather, how can you possibly expect to be able to handle such conditions on race day?

You won’t be prepared physically or mentally for what lies ahead.

Training in less than perfect environments teaches you how to adapt and overcome. You need to learn how much fluid you need on the hottest days, what it feels like to run with the sun beating down on you and how dehydrated you can become during a swim when the water is bath temperature.

This knowledge will empower you on race day. You already know what needs to be done and how to do it. You have already taken the first step towards making the Pain Cave yours.

29 Nov, 22


Mental flexibility or toughness is the key to success in endurance athletics. The best athletes know this: It is a matter of mind over matter – if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.

We have all heard about the mystical “Pain Cave” in writings and commentary about training. Yes, the Pain Cave does exist, but only in our minds. Since it exists solely in our minds we have absolute control over what goes in there. Remember that we are dealing with matters of perception and the Pain Cave is just a euphemism for going to the edge. Those that aren’t afraid to go to this place have a decisive edge over those that won’t take that step.

Many refer to the Pain Cave as the place where all manner of life is misery, pain and torment. That is a great way to look at it if your goal in sport is to be miserable. If you want to become a better athlete, mentally flexible and physically stronger, I suggest that you look at the Pain Cave in a different light.

The Pain Cave is a place that many athletes merely glimpse into. They are afraid to walk in. Explore the area. Decorate a bit. Become more comfortable there. Paint the walls. In essence they look in the window but don’t move in.

Training gets you to the top!

You can truly grow as an athlete when you begin to trust in yourself and your training. You reach a point where you want to step into the black place for a bit. Eventually you become more accustomed to pushing your threshold and you decide to decorate the wall. The next thing you know, you are buying furniture and painting the walls! You have realized that you can spend time there – you kind of like going to the Cave. Your mind has become used to your body being comfortably uncomfortable. You are spending more time there and you miss it when you think that you won’t visit for a while.

The idea is to increase your threshold endurance. This is both physical and mental. Many of us have not refined the mental flexibility to accept being physically uncomfortable. The more willing you are to walk in the door and make yourself at home the sooner that you will see results.

Here is an easy step by step on how to make the most of your Pain Cave. Perform these tasks at your own pace over a period of time. Change doesn’t occur overnight!

1. Find the address. You have to figure out where uncomfortable starts.

2. Stop by and stare in the window. Spend a few minutes there at first.

3. Step inside for a bit. Look around and know that you can leave at any time.

4. Decorate a bit. Find the cues that signal when you are at threshold and use them to decorate. Your rapid heart beat can represent a wall hanging and the burning in your legs could indicate that you have taken to the stairs. Take the discomfort that you feel and make it your own – by doing so you have taken control. When you are in control you can push harder in your sets and reach heights that you never thought possible.

5. Get some furniture. Find positive motivating thoughts (furniture) that you can use while you are there to make your stay more comfortable. An athlete that is in control and who is comfortable pushing themselves to the limit will develop an instinct for maximum performance.

6. Paint the walls. Focus on a color that soothes you and helps you get through your set. The ability to control your focus during threshold sets is the key to success in every workout that you do.

7. Leave on your own accord. You are now in control of the Pain Cave and you can feel free to call it your “Happy Place” if you like. If you work towards making yourself mentally flexible or “tough”, you have won a large part of the battle.

21 Nov, 22

Make Flying with your Bike Less Stressful

Make flying with your bike less stressful

Flying with your bike shouldn’t be an anxiety ridden drama. Follow these simple tips to make your voyage less stressful and more enjoyable.

Make sure that your bike fits in your bike case. Many of the newer bikes have one piece handlebars or complicated cockpits.

My personal favorite case for all of my bikes is the Bike Box Alan Triathlon Easy Fit Aero. This hard shell case is a breeze to pack and allows you to leave rotors on if you have a disc brake bike.
Velcro straps allow you to secure all of your spare bits inside the box. I have seen many frames damaged by loose bits that weren’t secured during transit.

Don’t over pack your case if you are flying into or out of the US. TSA will not be bothered to put everything back the way it was. A cleaner interior means that it’s much easier to inspect and close properly

Check out this video regarding Do’s & Don’t

Know your airlines fee structure for bikes. Many of the US based airlines have eased excess baggage fees for bike cases. Many of the European airline have generous bike case pricing. Book your bike in advance to avoid the arbitrary fees that are common at European airports when checking in.

Ensure that you have transportation that will hold your bike case and luggage. There is nothing worse than arriving at rental agency and realizing that the vehicle that you booked won’t fit your bike case and luggage. In the United States I prefer to rent 4 door pickup trucks as it easy to get 4 bikes and suitcases in the back. In Europe I prefer to rent a mini van if possible.

Don’t wait until the last minute to pack. Nothing is more stressful than trying to pack a bike 3 minutes before you are due to depart for the airport. Pack the night before and take your time.

Remove rear derailleur. Remove your rear derailleur. It’s posted twice because it is very important. A bent derailleur hanger is not the best way to start your journey when you arrive. Use the velcro straps to secure the hanger and chain inside your bike box.

21 Nov, 22

What Makes a Successful Athlete

The Difference

What is it that makes a successful athlete?

What do they have that the average doesn’t?

What is The Difference?

The answer to this question, like most in life, is much simpler than we want it to be.

The difference is that your successful athlete is willing to dig deeper than the competition.

You don’t have to be a world champion or top amateur to have “The Difference.”

Here are some facts of life for the triathlete:

You will be tired.  

There will be workouts that you leave gasping for air and your muscles screaming for mercy.  

You will be knackered .

There will be days when you fall into bed and are asleep before you hit the pillow.  

There will be mornings that you would rather be beaten that get up and head to the pool.

There will be workouts that you loathe.

You have two choices as an athlete: 

1.  You can be easy on yourself and never go to the pain cave.  Skip workouts when you are tired.  Skip workouts when you have a minor ache.  Sleep in when and just miss a workout because “you aren’t feeling it”.  Don’t do the workouts that you don’t like.

2.  Suck it up buttercup and do what is necessary to achieve your goals.

The athlete that makes choice 2 above can then go about working on the mental aspects of racing.

The  mental abilities required to be a successful athlete:

1.  You have to be able to put your ego away and stick to your plan.

2.  You have to be able to push through pain.

3.  You have to be able to turn off your brain and will your body to continue on.

4.  You have to be able to stay focused on your goal.

5.  You do have to be willing to put in the work and see it through to the end, day in and day out,     week after week,month after month and season after season.

An athlete must accept that training and racing isn’t all sunshine and roses.  It is more or less a briar patch that one must climb through and emerge from at the finish line on race day.

Acceptance of what is required will put you well on your way to having what it takes to be successful, having “The Difference”.

It’s all mind over matter

If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter!

21 Nov, 22

Liver Preparation for the N2

Vinho Verde, what is it?

Vinho Verde (which is translated as “green wine”) is a crisp and slightly spritzy wine from the North of Portugal. Despite the translation, Vinho Verde is never green: it’s usually a white wine, although it’s possible to get red Vinho Verde and rosé vinho verde as well.  Vinho Verde wines are typically very low in alcohol (11% ABV on average) which makes it popular for lunchtime and summer drinking.

There are many brands and options available in Portugal, but once you return back home you will be surprised to find that Vinho Verde can be widely found at Costco, HEBs and other stores etc around the USA and Canada.

If available the top choices are:

1). Wines of the “Alvarinho” grape variety from Moncao and Melgaco are fantastic.  These are harder to find.  Cost is about $15 to $20 a bottle.

2). In my opinion, the best green wine 💯 that is widely available is Muralhas (Muralhas de Moncao).  Cost is about $8-$10 a bottle.

3). Next level are the green wines from Casual Garcia and Aveleda.   Very good solid wines and by far the most popular brands and most widely available.  These cost around $8 a bottle

4) After these 3 categories you have many many brands available including Gazela,  Fuzelo, etc.  These will be the cheaper variety and about $5-$7 a bottle

Article credit to Pedro Da Cruz.